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  • Radford Bean

Beaver Creek Paddle and Cookout

I led 12 kayakers on a tour of Beaver Creek this morning. We set out from the boat ramp opposite Brian Booth State Park and paddled to the beach before turning around and paddling upstream three miles to the second foot bridge. We couldn't go any farther because the creek enters private property and is posted "No Trespassing."

The weather was overcast, but there was no wind or rain. It was probably some of the best paddling I have done on Beaver Creek because there was no wind, even into the mid-afternoon. As anyone familiar with Beaver Creek will tell you, no wind in the afternoon is a rarity. Usually by noon the winds are blowing from the west.

We didn't see much wildlife, probably due to the overcast skies and the temperature only in the mid-50s. However, some of us did encounter two voles swimming across the creek and one great blue heron that kept pace ahead of us as we traveled up the creek. As soon as we arrived at where the heron was standing, it would fly further up the creek and wait for us to arrive before repeating the routine over again.

The osprey nest was empty, but we did spot one of the birds. Apparently the young have fledged and left.

Though the temperature was only in the mid-50s—the weathermen had been saying it was supposed to get to 75 degrees—we enjoyed a nice cookout at Brian Booth State Park following our paddle trip. I provided the hamburgers and others brought salads, beans, and desserts. It was a good opportunity for us to get to one another and discuss other areas we'd like to explore.

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