
June 17, 2019

The Oregon State Marine Board (OSMB) introduced Senate Bill (SB) 47 into the Oregon Legislature on January 2019. The summary of the bill states that the measure would require persons operating non-motorized boats to have waterway access permits. It would eliminate the...

January 30, 2017

The Oregon State Marine Board is bringing before the Legislature two bills that will impact non-motorized boats. There seems to be some confusion in the wording of the bills, so let me clarify the wording before you read the bills. The bills use the terms non-motorized...

January 10, 2015

I fellow paddler recently posted a question on a local paddling board on where is the best place to attach her Aquatic Invasive Species Permit (AISP). She had purchased a Tyvek tag that allows paddlers to fasten the tag to their boats. Here was my suggestion to her.


November 10, 2014

I must admit that early on I wasn't keen to the idea of the Oregon State Marine Board (OSMB) proposing a fee to non-motorized boaters to help pay for facilities and educational materials. Few of us like fees of any sort, and most of us don’t like government intruding i...

October 21, 2014

I received information from the Oregon State Marine Board (OSMB) this morning summarizing the comments/inputs they have received from the meetings they have been holding around Oregon these past two month.

The one thing that really jumps out at me from the reports I hav...

August 11, 2014

Dr. Kreg Lindberg, professor at OSU’s Cascade Campus, sent a survey link to randomly selected non-motorized boaters to get their input on various factors related to paddling in Oregon. He’s conducting the survey on behalf of Oregon Parks and Recreation (OPRD). Those se...

June 3, 2014

Oregon paddlers, the Oregon State Marine Board (OSMB), and non-motorized advisory committee members met June 3 at the Portland Building in downtown Portland for a 2½-hour meeting to discuss matters of importance to the paddling community. OSMB and the advisory committe...

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Senate Bill 47 Aims to Create Waterway Access Fund (Updated)

June 17, 2019

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“Wherever there is a channel for water, there is a road for the canoe.”

                        Henry David Thoreau

"The two best reasons to buy a kayak rather than just renting are sunsets and sunrises."

                              Thomas P. Jones

"If there's a place, Canoe there."

                                      Brent Kelly

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