
February 19, 2017

As paddlers, we love it when we encounter wildlife during our trips. Let’s face it, the majority of us probably took up paddling to get out in nature to see wildlife. We may do it from a canoe, a sea or whitewater kayak, or a stand-up paddleboard.

Even if you paddle to...

January 10, 2015

I fellow paddler recently posted a question on a local paddling board on where is the best place to attach her Aquatic Invasive Species Permit (AISP). She had purchased a Tyvek tag that allows paddlers to fasten the tag to their boats. Here was my suggestion to her.


August 27, 2014

During a recent paddle trip on the Willamette River, I was asked where on the river can people legally camp and picnic. This prompted a visit to Oregon’s Department of State Lands for a legal answer to that question.

Oregon law allows boaters legal access to any navigab...

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Senate Bill 47 Aims to Create Waterway Access Fund (Updated)

June 17, 2019

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“Wherever there is a channel for water, there is a road for the canoe.”

                        Henry David Thoreau

"The two best reasons to buy a kayak rather than just renting are sunsets and sunrises."

                              Thomas P. Jones

"If there's a place, Canoe there."

                                      Brent Kelly

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