
June 14, 2016

A little over a month ago, I ventured into a local REI store to look for certain paddling accessories. Now I love REI and shop there frequently. I also went into my local Dicks store to see about getting some swim goggles and nose plugs for practicing my Eskimo rolls....

January 12, 2016

Paddling at night under the stars, a glowing moon, or the Aurora Boreallis can be a magical time, but it isn't without a certain amount of risk from a possible encounter with another boat. How do warn other boaters by letting them know where you're at on the water?


June 18, 2015

I meet up with some paddling friends on June 18, 2015, for three days of paddling in central Oregon, specifically Bend and the surrounding area. I can’t go to Bend without first stopping at Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe situated on the banks of the Deschutes River. I want...

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Senate Bill 47 Aims to Create Waterway Access Fund (Updated)

June 17, 2019

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“Wherever there is a channel for water, there is a road for the canoe.”

                        Henry David Thoreau

"The two best reasons to buy a kayak rather than just renting are sunsets and sunrises."

                              Thomas P. Jones

"If there's a place, Canoe there."

                                      Brent Kelly

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